EMARDIS 1991 The Second International Symposium “Electronic
Magnetic Resonance of Disordered Systems” (EMARDIS) was held in the
“Gyolechitsa” area in Rila Mountain. In the framework of the second
EMARDIS symposium, the first round table discussion “Standards in EPR
Spectrometry” was organized, which laid the foundations for the
international seminar “Applied EPR”. Further, these two scientific
meetings were held immediately one after another every two years.
EMARDIS 1995 First National Seminar “EPR and ENDOR Spectroscopy” 1995
Unfortunately, this initiative did not find a sufficient number of supporters
due to the compressed national and international scientific program in the
coming years.
EMARDIS 2001 It was decided that the EMARDIS Symposium would continue
to have two main sections – “Fundamental” and “Applied” –
to cover all the problems discussed so far.