03–06 June 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria

As a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions, the 12th International Conference of Electron Magnetic Resonance of Disordered Systems will not take place in June 03-06, as planned. When deciding to postpone the conference, we considered various alternative formats, but we prefer a face-to face conference. This is a way of creating the connections that bring together the scientific community that are difficult to achieve through various online tools and virtual conferences. The Organising Committee strongly believe that EMARDIS conferences are more than occasions for presentation of research findings. They have always served as events for a community building, as opportunitie for meeting of scientists of all ages with similar research interests. This mission of social nearing is simply unachievable under the conditions of social distancing.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Sofia in better times.

Best regards and stay healthy!

The Organising Committee





One page abstracts of A4 format with single spacing will be accepted. Contributors should use an Arial font and margins of 2.5 cm from left, right, and bottom and 4 cm from top. Title should be a 14-pt bold font. Author(s) names should be typed by a 12-pt regular font. The name of the presenting author should be marked by asterisk (*). Affiliation(s) should be 10 pt italics. One empty line (14 pt) should be left after title, one line (12 pt) after author(s) names, and one line (10 pt) after affiliation(s). An e-mail address of presenting author should be added on a separate line (10 pt, italics). Authors should also use a 12-pt regular font for body text. Tables, figures, and references may be used for the abstracts. Justify everything. Acknowledgement and References should be typed by 10 pt. References to be numbered sequentially in the order, in which they are cited in the text. The numbers in the text should be enclosed in brackets [2], [5, 6], [9−12], etc. Files should be saved as docx or doc format and send to emardis@ic.bas.bg.

15.03.2021 Submission of abstracts
25.03.2021 Notification of acceptance
01.05.2021 Preliminary scientific program
04.06.2021 Conference opening

                                  Before 10th April 2021                   After 10th April 2021

Academic participant                     € 430                                     € 490

Industrial participant                      € 500                                      € 560

Student                                             € 260                                    € 320

Accompanying person                  € 260                                      € 260

The conference fee covers access to oral and poster sessions, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, conference program and book of abstracts, Sofia city tour and conference dinner. The conference fee does not include individual costs for travel and accommodation. Accompanying persons will have access to scientific sessions, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, Sofia city tour, and conference dinner.

Accommodation is provided in Park Hotel Moskva where rooms at special rates are booked for participants. Rates are only valid if reservation and payment are made to CME Ltd. and not directly to the hotel. Any change of booking must be sent to CME Ltd.
Full prepayment of accommodation until 10 May 2021 is required in confirmation of the hotel reservation.


Park Hotel Moskva offers quiet and comfortable rooms with great panoramic view over the city and Vitosha Mountain. All rooms are renovated and fully equipped – SAT TV, WiFi, working desk, air conditioning. There is free Wi-Fi Internet in the public areas as well.
The hotel has 3 restaurants serving Bulgarian and international cuisine.
The hotel is also fully equipped with all kind of facilities for disabled guests.

Single room     42 Euro
Double room   56 Euro
Junior Suite     66 Euro (both for single and double occupancy)

The prices are in Euro, per room, per night and include overnight, breakfast and all taxes.

Accommodation cancellation terms and conditions
Only written cancellations to CME Ltd. will be considered.
⇒ before 10 May 2021 – full reimbursement less the amount due for one night 
⇒ after 10 May 2021 or no-show – no refunds will be made
Reducing the length of stay on-site is not accepted.

Hotels check-in: 14:00 hrs; check-out: 12:00 hrs.

Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Karakirova, PhD
Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee
Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Tel.: +359 2 979 35 91
E-mail: emardis@ic.bas.bg, daniepr@ic.bas.bg

Mrs. Mira Bonova, Event Manager
17 Fr. Joliot Curie Str., Bldg. 2, fl. 5, office 9
Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

Tel: +359-2-9877422, Mobile: +359-896700956
E-mail: mira@cmebg.com, www.cmebg.com


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